
Winter Essentials

Are you looking for ways to keep yourself healthy during the winter months? As the days get shorter and the temperature drops, it's important to take extra steps to make sure your body is getting the nutrients it needs to stay strong and fight off illnesses.

One important nutrient to consider is Vitamin D. This vitamin is essential for healthy bones, teeth and muscles, and is produced by our bodies when we're exposed to sunlight. Unfortunately, as daylight hours decrease during winter, it can be challenging to get enough Vitamin D. The NHS recommends that babies up to the age of one year need 8.5-10mcg of vitamin D a day, while children from the age of one year and adults need 10mcg of vitamin D a day. You can get Vitamin D from oily fish, red meat, liver, egg yolks and fortified foods, but it may be necessary to supplement if you're not getting enough sunlight.

Vitamin C is another important nutrient to consider during winter. It's responsible for maintaining healthy skin, blood vessels, bones and cartilage, and is essential for wound healing. The NHS recommends that adults need 40mg of vitamin C a day, which can be obtained from a variety of fruit and vegetables such as oranges, peppers, strawberries, blackcurrants, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and potatoes.

Zinc is also important for a healthy immune system, particularly during winter when illnesses are more common. Adequate zinc intake is especially important for children, as even mild zinc deficiency can impede growth and increase the risk of infection. Good sources of zinc include meat, shellfish, legumes, nuts, seeds and whole grains.

If you're looking to boost your nutrient intake, try incorporating more vegetables and wholefoods into your diet. But if you're worried that you're not getting enough of these key nutrients, you can always supplement. Personal training studios in Letchworth like LF team can give you advice on how to keep yourself healthy during the winter months.

Don't let the cold weather get you down – take control of your health and make sure your body is getting the nutrients it needs to stay strong and healthy.